Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Algeria, parla il padre di Akriche ucciso da una granata lacrimogena in faccia. Altri scontri al funerale di Azzedine Lebza ad Ain Lahdjel

Tre morti in Algeria. Azzedine Lebza di 18 anni, colpito ad Ain Lahdjel (re4gione di M’Sila). Il ministro dell’interno ha detto che stava attaccando una stazione di polizia. Oggi al funerale altri scontri (vedi notizia in basso).

Un secondo morto è stato trovato cadavere in un albergo assaltato e messo a fuoco. E’ accaduto a Tdjelabine, nella wilaya Boumerdès.

Il terzo morto è il disoccupato di 32 anni Akriche Abdelfattah, colpito a Tipaza in faccia da una granata lacrimogena. Qui di seguito dal blog Echorouk della giornalista Dalila Hanache i parenti parlano del loro congiunto, un giovane algerino come tanti altri. Inutili i soccorsi nell’ospedale di Blida  intitolato a Frantz Fanon (Fanon ci lavò da giovane psichiatra).

Da Echorouk online:

The father of Abdelfatah Akriche, a 32-year-old-man killed in protests in the province of Tipaza said his son is peaceful and had not participated in the riots since they started.

Hocine Akriche said his son was used to spend most of his time in the area of Douaouda and did not go home until the night.

“My son did not know the residents. On Friday’s night, he went home at around 10 p.m. When he heard shots and teargas, he went to the centre of the city to bring his young brother Djilali. Yet, he did not come back,” he told Echorouk.

I will not forgive who killed my son,” he added.

Victim’s friend: “Abdelfatah was against violent acts”

Sofiane, a close friend of Abdelfatah said the victim attended a football match in Douaouda. “Afterwards, we had stayed in our area until 10 p.m.”

“Abdelfatah was against violent acts although he was jobless. The killer must be identified and punished.”

Victim’s brother: “my brother was treacherously shot”

The victim’s youngest brother Djilali said Abdelfatah went to the centre of the city to bring him home. “When clashes started between protesters and security forces, we stayed watching. A shot hit my brother and he fell down.”

“I had been asking for help for 20 minutes but in vain. He was taken to the hospital and died there.”

According to an official source at security forces, an investigation was opened and a forensic scientist at the Hospital of Frantz Fanon in Blida.

Intanto si registrano nuovi scontri a Ain Lahdjel durante il funerale di Azzedine Lebza, a cui hanno partecipato seimila persone.

Ecco il resoconto di El Watan:

Reprises des affrontements après l’enterrement de Labza à Ain Hadjel(m’sila)

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le 09.01.11 | 17h45 Réagissez

Plus de 6000 personnes ont assistés à l’enterrement de jeune Labza au cimetière de Ain Hadjel avant d’organiser une impressionnante marche empruntant l’avenue principale de la ville.

Les manifestants ont scandés des slogans réclament la libération des détenus et le congédiement du chef de sûreté de daïra, qui était, aux yeux de la population, à l’origine de la mort du jeune Labza et les 04 autres blessés par balles.

Par ailleurs, il y a lieu de signaler que les personnes blessées lors des émeutes du vendredi dernier, se trouvent présentement à l’hôpital de Sidi Aissa pour les nommés, Doucen, Achour et Thaaloub, et Kouidri Meftah, qui a été annoncé pour mort, est dans un état comateux au niveau de l’hôpital Mustapha d’Alger.


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