Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Saldi: venduto per meno di 1 milione il castello parigino di Bokassa

Venduto all’asta il castello francese di Bokassa, il dittatore morto nel 1996. Un affare fatto da ignoto acquirente per meno di un milione di euro. Il castelletto  è situato nella banlieue parigina, ad Hardricourt. I proventi verranno ora divisi tra i 50 eredi del dittatore: meno di ventimila euro a testa. La notizia sul Guardian del 12.1.2011:

Dictator Jean-Bedel Bokassa’s chateau sold at auction

Lawyer representing estate of central African dictator who died in 1996 says identity of buyer unknow

Associated Press, Wednesday 12 January 2011 20.31 GMT

lawyer representing the administrator of the estate of Jean-Bedel Bokassa says the ruthless Central African dictator’s chateau has been sold for €915,000 (£762,000). Pascal Koerfer said the identity of the buyer was not known – all bidders in the auction were represented by lawyers. He said profits from the sale would be divided among about 50 Bokassa heirs. The chateau, in the western Paris suburb of Hardricourt, comes with a vast tree-filled park, but Koerfer said the property needed at least €2m worth of repairs. Bokassa, who died in 1996, was ousted in a 1979 coup after a notoriously bizarre 13-year rule.


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