Il cellulare suona ancora a volte dalla pancia del coccodrillo. Gena, coccodrillo quattordicenne, ha inghiottito un cellulare caduto a una visitatrice dell’Oceanarium di Dnipropetrovsk. La donna si stava sporgendo un po’ troppo per fotografare il rettile. Ora la donna vorrebbe indietro almeno la sim card. Il coccodrillo sarà radiografato tra poco. L’intervento chirurgico come estrema ratio. Articolo del Guardian del 21.1.2011:
Call of the wild: crocodile swallows mobile phone
Crocodile gobbles up ringing mobile phone after device falls into reptile enclosure in Ukraine
Associated Press, Friday 21 January 2011 15.07 GMT Article history
The crocodile in Peter Pan happily went tick-tock after swallowing an alarm clock – but a crocodile in Ukraine has been a little less fortunate.
Gena, a 14-year-old crocodile at the Dnipropetrovsk Oceanarium, has been refusing food and acting listlessly after eating a mobile phone dropped by a woman trying to photograph her last month. The phone kept ringing inside the crocodile for some time.
Rimma Golovko, the phone’s owner, says she wants her SIM card back because it contains her photographs and contacts.
The crocodile will be taken to a clinic for an X-ray next week to see if the phone is still there. Vets are considering surgery as a last resort.