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84 morti in Libia. La Cirenaica in rivolta: “Indietro non si torna”

Indietro non si torna, la Libia a una svolta. Almeno per chi ha trovato finora il coraggio di ribellarsi. Ormai, soprattutto nelle città dell’est, è stato varcato il confine: indietro non si può più tornare. Ma la repressione del regime è drastica: ad organizzarla è uno dei figli di Gheddafi, Amis, a capo delle forze speciali. Il risultato sarebbero 84 morti in tre giorni, ma il numero esatto nessuno lo sa. Ma la Cirenaica è in rivolta. A Tripoli c’è attesa. Oggi dopo Twitter e Facebook è stata pscurata Internet.

Il quadro oggi?  Al Jazeera che nostra immagini dalla Pirenaica riporta 84 morti secondo Human Rights Watch dal Cairo.

Quaranta le vittime a Bengasi, dieci a Derna, tre poliziotti impiccati a Bengasi.

L’aeroporto di Bengasi in mano ai rivoltosi

La radio di stato incendiata.

Ieri a Bengasi funerali di massa per i primi 13 vaduti, colpiti da armi da fuoco.

La rivolta contro il regime avrebbe anche coinvolto direttamente la famiglia del colonnello Gheddafi. C’era anche uno dei figli del leader libico, Saad, tra i fedelissimi del regime che venerdì sera sono stati assediati dai manifestanti nell’albergo «Uzu» di Bengasi. Secondo quanto riporta il sito «Libya al-Youm», ritenuto vicino alle opposizioni, Saad e altri uomini fedeli al colonnello sarebbero riusciti a fuggire dall’albergo, ma ancora bloccati in città.

A Derna in 40 mila in piazza, cacciati gli imam dalle moschee che volevano leggere sermoni governativi, incendiati due posti di polizia

La rivolta serpeggia in tutto l’est del paese, da Bengasi a Derna e Al Baida e Zentan. Disordini anche a Tobruk, dove è stato distrutto un monumento al libro verde di Gheddafi.

A Cirene occupato l’aeropofrto, led truppe  di repressione non sono riuscite ad atterrare.

Rivolte anche nelle cvarvceri, a Jadaida uccisi sei detenuti, a Kufeya scappati in mille.

Anche in Libia oscurati Twitter e Facebook e il segnale di Al Jazeera. Alla fgine oggi oscurato Internet.

Dalla Svizzera alimentari  flussi di notizie sulla pagina Facewbook “17 febbraio, il giorno della rabbia”. Ad animare il sito il giovane emigrato libico Hassan Al Djahmi.

Ecco l’articolo di al Jazeera di sabato 19.2.2011 (il video su

Scores killed in Libya protests

Human Rights Watch says 84 people killed in past three days during rallies calling for ousting of Muammar Gaddafi.

Security forces in Libya have killed scores of pro-democracy protesters in demonstrations demanding the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi, the country’s long time ruler.

Human Rights Watch said on Saturday that 84 people had died over the past three days.

A doctor in Benghazi told Al Jazeera that he had seen 70 bodies at the city’s hospital on Friday in one of the harshest crackdowns against peaceful protesters thus far.

“I have seen it on my own eyes: At least 70 bodies at the hospital,” said Wuwufaq al-Zuwail, a physician.

Al-Zuwail said that security forces had also prevented ambulances reaching the site of the protests.

The Libyan government has also blocked Al Jazeera TV signal in the country and people have also reported that the network’s website is inaccessible from there.

Protesters shot

Marchers mourning dead protesters in Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, reportedly come under fire from security forces, as protests in the oil-exporting North African nation entered their fifth day on Friday.

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Mohamed el-Berqawy, an engineer in Benghazi, told Al Jazeera that the city was the scene of a “massacre,” and that four demonstrators had been killed.

“Where is the United Nations … where is (US president Barack) Obama, where is the rest of the world, people are dying on the streets,” he said. “We are ready to die for our country.”

Verifying news from Libya has been difficult since protests began, thanks to restrictions on journalists entering the country, as well as internet and mobile phone black outs imposed by the government.

Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters seeking to oust Gaddafi took to the streets across Libya on Thursday in what organisers called a “day of rage” modelled after similar protests in Tunisia and Egypt that ousted longtime leaders there. Gaddafi has ruled Libya since 1969.

Pro-government supporters also were out on the streets on Friday, according to the Libyan state television, which broadcasted images labelled “live” that showed men chanting slogans in support of Gaddafi.

The pro-Gaddafi crowd was seen singing as it surrounded his limousine as it crept along a road in the capital, Tripoli, packed with people carrying his portrait.

Deadly clashes

Deadly clashes broke out in several towns on Thursday after the opposition called for protests in a rare show of defiance inspired by uprisings in other Arab states and the toppling of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Tunisia’s Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Twitter Reaction

Libya Protests

FELDart RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Things getting more serious in #Benghazi, clashes with Khamis #Gaddafi brigade spreading from Birka area #Feb17 #Libya 7 minutes ago · reply

amtfoto RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: #Gaddafi has 8 children; 7 sons and 1 daughter; will tweet briefs about them soon. #Libya #Feb17 7 minutes ago · reply

ShadyAlmahmoudi مؤكد: حصار للساعدي القذافي في بنغازي .. و طلبات استغاثه لاخراجه من المدينة باي شكل #libya #Gaddafi 6 minutes ago · reply

der_bluthund RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: #Gaddafi has 8 children; 7 sons and 1 daughter; will tweet briefs about them soon. #Libya #Feb17 4 minutes ago · reply

FourYawkeyWay #Libya: my goodness, another video purportedly showing a youth killed by #Gaddafi regime… #feb17 4 minutes ago · reply

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The worst clashes appeared to have taken place in the eastern Cyrenaica region, centred on Benghazi, where support for Gaddafi has historically been weaker than in other parts of the country.

Libya’s Quryna newspaper reported on Thursday that the regional security chief had been removed from his post over the deaths of protesters in Bayda.

Libyan opposition groups in exile claimed that Bayda citizens had joined with local police forces to take over Bayda and fight against government-backed militias, whose ranks are allegedly filled by recruits from other African nations.

Political analysts say Libyan oil wealth may give the government the capacity to smooth over social problems and
reduce the risk of an Egypt-style revolt.

Gaddafi’s opponents say they want political freedoms, respect for human rights and an end to corruption.

The government has proposed the doubling of government employees’ salaries and released 110 suspected anti-government figures who oppose him – tactics similar to those adopted by other Arab governments facing recent mass protests.

Gaddafi also has been meeting with tribal leaders to solicit their support


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