Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Rischio fusione nel reattore 2 di Fukushima


Fukushima, rischio di fusione del nocciolo nel reattore numero due. La scoperta è della Tepco. Qui di seguito la notizia data dall’agenzia

UDPATE2: TEPCO finds sign of nuclear fission at Fukushima reactor

TOKYO, Nov. 2, Kyodo

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it may have detected signs of a recent nuclear fission in the No. 2 reactor at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant, touching on the possibility that the melted fuel inside may have gone critical temporarily.

The plant operator known as TEPCO is making final confirmations on the existence of the nuclear fission by-products, but the latest announcement suggests the plant’s seemingly stable situation could be fragile, even almost eight months after the nuclear crisis erupted in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

It may also affect the government’s and TEPCO’s plans to achieve a state of cold shutdown of the crippled Nos. 1 to 3 reactors by the end of the year, although TEPCO spokesman Junichi Matsumoto said his company does not expect a major detrimental impact on the progress so far.


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