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Shministim come Omer Goldman

Shministim: sono i giovani ebrei di Israele che si rifiutano di fare il servizio militare in territori occupati. Come Jonathan Ben Arzi o Omer Goldman. Quattro anni fa il processo a quest’ultima creò un certo clamore, perché Omer è anche figlia di un alto dirigente del servizio segreto Mossad.

Non vogliamo uccidere, we wont kill, è lo slogan dei Shministim. Qui di seguito la scheda da Wikipedia su Omer Goldman, solo per ricordare che in Israele c’è stato un forte movimento per la pace e non tutti sono schierati con Netanyahu e la sua politica di potenza. Dopodiché bisogna fare i conti con i fanatici di Hamas che stanno creando intorno al popolo palestinese, che peraltro li ha eletti, un tunnel senza fine. Ecco Wikipedia sulla giovane Omer:

Omer Goldman Granot, from the Tel-Aviv suburb of Ramat HaSharon, is a member of the Shministim, a young Israeli conscientious objector who became famous for being the daughter of Naftali Granot, former deputy to Mossad’s chief Meir Dagan.

She was sentenced to 21 days in military prison for refusing to serve the Israel Defence Forces on 22 September 2008, along with Tamar Katz and Mia Tamarin. She is one of about 40 high school students who signed the 2008 high-school seniors’ (“Shministim”) protest letter. In order to prepare herself for her incarceration in a military prison, Goldman went to a psychologist every week. She has spent a second term in prison for refusing to serve again

She claims that the crucial moment of her metamorphosis occurred when she went to the Palestinian village Shufa where the IDF had set up a roadblock. Someone she had considered her enemy stood beside her and someone who was supposed to be defending her opened fire at her.

These following words have inspired many peopele: “I believe in service to the society I am part of, and that is precisely why I refuse to take part in the war crimes committed by my country. Violence will not bring any kind of solution, and I shall not commit violence, come what may.” [1]


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