Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Le tre versioni di Benetton sul disastro del Bangladesh: Quartz online le pubblica dicendo che ora c’è un nuovo comunicato sul proprio legame con la fabbrica crollata

Quartz, online di nuova economia globale, dà conto questa sera di trre versioni date da Benetton. Prima, niente a che vedere con la fabbrica crollata a Dacca (Bangfladesh). Seconda: avuto un unico rapporto in passato. Terzo: avuti rapporti ma interrotti perché condizioni lavoro erano non sicure.

Quartz dà conto stasera di 386 morti ma avverte che si potrebbe arrivare a mille.

Quartz is a digitally native news outlet for the new global economy.

Benetton has a new take on its connection to Bangladesh factory where hundreds died

By Zachary M. Seward @zseward

2 hours ago

Italian fashion firm Benetton originally said it wasn’t making clothes in the Bangladesh garment factory that collapsed last week, killing hundreds of workers. Then, when Benetton shirts turned up in the building’s rubble, the companyacknowledged a “one-time order” from a manufacturer in the factory. But now Benetton has a new version of events, saying it had “occasionally” sourced clothing from the factory but ended the relationship after learning of unsafe working conditions there.

Got it.

Benetton’s ever-lengthening and increasingly contrite statements reveal a company caught on the defensive and trapped between its progressive values and a complex supply chain that largely relies on cheap labor in Bangladesh.

Most of all, it just looks bad. Here’s how the company’s statements have evolved since the factory collapse in Dhaka, where the death toll stands officially at 386 butcould ultimately rise above 1,000:


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